
Covid related FAQs

Below you’ll find a list of questions we’re frequently asked. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact us for more information.

Where can you purchase our products as there are none on the shelves and when will it be back in the shops?

We have taken immediate action to increase our production volumes, in order to meet this initial increased demand and to avoid empty shelves. We are doing everything we can to help retailers keep our products on shelf for as long as possible. We would recommend you continue to check online and in store.

Are all Cuticura hand gels antibacterial?

All Cuticura hand gels are antibacterial and kill 99.9% of bacteria.

Can our Hand Gel kill viruses?

All Cuticura hand gels are antibacterial and kill 99.9% of bacteria. Our Cuticura Total Advanced Protection Hand Gel is proven to protect hands from 99.99% of bacteria and also kill viruses.

Can our Hand Gel help against the Coronavirus?

Practising good hand hygiene and avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth to avoid transferring germs from a surface are the most effective ways of helping to prevent the spread of infection, such as the Wuhan coronavirus. Antibacterial hand gels are an ideal aid to support this practice when you are out and about or unable to carry out hand washing as usual.

Cuticura hand gels have not been tested to proof their efficacy against the Wuhan coronavirus (2019 n-CoV) specifically. However, the Wuhan 2019 virus is part of family of enveloped viruses which are generally considered to have low resistance to disinfection, similar to bacteria.

Why do our Hand Gels only have 57.6% Ethanol when the News is advising all Hand Sanitisers need to have at least 60% alcohol to be effective?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevent (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) advise consumers to wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand disinfectant for routine hand disinfection. One of the commonly used active ingredients in hand sanitisers is ethanol (alcohol) with the recommended minimum level of at least 60% alcohol content to kill most bacteria and viruses.

The ethanol concentration in a hand gel is usually expressed as a percentage, which can be measured in two ways - by weight (w/w) or by volume (v/v). The CDC and WHO alcohol content a recommendation of 60% is based on the volume measurement (v/v).

Cuticura hand gels are formulated with the exact level of alcohol required to provide the protection against the harmful bacteria without over drying the skin. Our Cuticura alcohol content is measured by weight (w/w) at 57.6%, which is printed on our packs. This converts to 66% by volume (v/v) and is therefore above the minimum CDC and WHO recommendation level.

Do you have evidence that 57.6% alcohol is sufficient to kill 99.99% bacteria as marketed on the original hand gel?

Cuticura hand gel products have demonstrated effectiveness in killing 99.99% bacteria according to EN 1276 standard (Cuticura Original, Moisture and Sensitive) and in addition EN 14476 in killing viruses (Cuticura Total) in third party laboratory testing, when used in accordance with the directions for use.

These European Standards specify a test method and the minimum requirements for bactericidal and virucidal activity of chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products to ensure products are effective in killing harmful organisms.

Can we buy directly from you?

Unfortunately, we do not sell directly to the public. However, Cuticura is stocked in Asda, Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, Wilko, Home Bargains Amazon, Boots and Superdrug.

What is the expiry date of our Hand Gels?

When stored closed in correct conditions, Cuticura hand gels remain effective for at least 33 months. Cosmetic products placed on the UK and EU market do not require an expiry date, however, must have a minimum shelf life of 33 months from the date of manufacture.

I have noticed that people are taking advantage of the high demand and selling your Hand Gels for an extortionate price on websites such as Ebay & Amazon.

When we sell into retailers, we advise a recommended retail price (RRP), but it is ultimately the vendor’s decision what price to retail at. Likewise, we have no control if a consumer decides to resell at inflated prices on other selling or auction platforms. As part of our strategy to help retailers keep our products in stock, we have been sourcing additional componentry, i.e. bottles and caps, from alternative suppliers. Along with increases in some key raw materials, this has resulted in the manufacturing being more expensive than usual, so you may notice some small price increases from our official retailers.